Life as a dog person

I spent most of my adult life as a cat person. Cats are easy to care for, totally low maintenance. They’re full of personality too. As soon as I landed a new job working from home I had to figure out a way to ensure I wouldn’t spend the whole day sitting at my desk. Since I was a kid I wanted a dog. As an adult I knew how much work and attention they require. I decided though, that  since I’m going to be home all day to keep the dog company and let him out and take him for walks, it would be a great idea to adopt a dog.

Enter Albarkus Pawcival Woofric Brian Dumbledog. He’s a chihuahua maltese mix. He’s a little guy, only about 12 to 15 pounds. He is absolutely adorable. But he’s also quite a handful. Going from cat to dog is a bigger challenge than I expected. But it is a challenge that I accept. Learning this guy’s quirks has been fun so far.

He’s a giant bundle of energy and literally bounces off the furniture. He is crazy possessive of any food related items and some of his toys. He’s also possessive of me. If he’s sitting near me and Dwight comes around he’ll chase him away. That’s one of the things we’re working on in training classes. I know these classes are more to train me than him, but they’re super important so that we’re all on the same page. He came to me with some good habits though. He sits on command, he’s mostly housebroken. I say mostly because when he’s super excited about things or when he is overly interested in being near us he has accidents because he doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing to go outside. And when he sees his harness for going out on walks he goes completely nuts, he’s so excited. He absolutely loves riding in the car.  It’s going to be a great ride with this guy. He’s sure to keep me on my toes.